Holiday Starts Now!


I'm currently transiting in Dubai for 9 hours before my longggggg flight to LA.

This place is so hot this time of the year.

Other than that, I think it's a beautiful city.

Can't wait to see more of this city when we return from the USA.

This holiday trip will be awesome! :)

Many thanks to the boyfriend who organized this trip. (He even typed out a very thorough itinerary for us)

By the way, Dubai has Mc Twist! (Twin Twist rather, that's what they call it here)

They've stopped selling it in KL and has never existed in Melbourne. So when I saw it at the nearby mall's food court I quickly grab one at 1DH.

But I was quite disappointed cause it just didn't taste like the one I had back then.

Why did they ever stop producing it in KL?


Will update more when I get a chance too.

Now for some shut eye and a shower.